Complete time management working seamlessly with your payroll.
ECCA Payroll+ offers both physical and online timekeeping solutions, giving you a complete time management system that works seamlessly with your payroll. With a focus on accuracy and efficiency, ECCA Payroll+ equips you with modern labor management to make your time and attendance administration cost-effective.
Physical Clocks
Based on your timekeeping needs and work environment, ECCA Payroll+ can equip your organization with a variety of time collection devices. From swipe cards to biometric readers and proximity fobs, this wide range of intelligent clocks integrate with your payroll giving you a seamless and flexible time and attendance solution.
ECCA Payroll+ eliminates the complexities of managing your workforce schedule through the use of automated tools and easily created templates. With company defined rules, you’re better able to oversee your workforce and to benefit from automated compliance enforcement.